Tampere kuplii Day 1
Disclaimer: sorry some of the photos are not the best quality me and my friend Tarmo took most of these with a 15 yo camera...
I went to a con called Tampere kuplii 23.-24.3 (Will probably make one for day 2 later...) and decided to do a blog about it bc why not. I wore lolita on both days but only brought one main piece with me because I had to go by car and the con was 6 hours away.
Here is the days coord:

Headbow: Bodyline
Wig: off-brand + DIY
Blouse: Bodyline
Cardigan: off-brand
Jsk: Bodyline
Bloomers: Candy Sweet
Socks: Roji roji
Shoes: Modo
Before I went to the con I went to a coffee shop called espresso house with my sister and her boyfriend to wait for my friends train to arrive. I brought a strawberry vanilla frapino because I don't really like coffee...

When I was on my way to the train station one of the buckles on my shoe snapped off D: mind you this was the first time I was wearing them and I didn't have another pair of cute shoes with me so I just had to repair them with tape by stick the strap to the inside of my shoe and walk like that for the rest of the weekend...

Thankfully you could not see that they were held together by tape XD

We went to eat at a fastfood place called Hesburger, There were A LOT of other people from the con so we had to wait for a long time

(This was one of two pages and our order number was 966...)
The con place was HUGE (compared to the other cons I've been to at least...) and full of people so I didn't take that many photos but I did take a video in the vendor hall
I can't remember what I bought on which day so these are from both days


Talking To Myself Jewelry


My friend bought me this so I can't remember who it was from :(

When the con closed for the first day we went to a boba shop and after that I left the group to go eat at a restaurant with my family.